Boiler maintenance, Camping tips

Your Alde heating system: an autumn guide

Travelling in Autumn brings wonderful scenery and plenty of perks. Here are the important pre-journey checks you need to carry out before setting off.

Welcome to our guide to using your Alde heating system in autumn. Whether you’re a seasoned autumn caravanner or you usually stick to the warmer months, read this guide to top up your knowledge of pre-journey checks for your travels.

Why travel in Autumn?

If you regularly travel in summer, you’ll know first-hand just how glorious it can be to explore in the sunshine. However, even though you’re soaking up the beautiful sunshine, you might be missing out on the wonders of autumn; few things can match the views when the leaves start to turn and it’s misty outside – especially if you’re in a cosy, warm caravan! From mountainous regions to charming villages, places around the world are given a makeover by nature in the autumn, and you should make the most of the chance to see it.

Your Alde system

No matter how cold it gets outside, with your Alde system in your vehicle you’ll be as warm as you want to be for as long as you like. You’ll have hot water at the ready for morning and evening showers, and washing dishes when you need to. Because the Alde system has been tested in temperatures as low as -35 °C, you can have the utmost confidence that it’ll keep you warm in any weather, no matter where you’re travelling to.

Pre-travel checks

Before you embark on your autumn expedition, it is wise to make sure everything is in order with your Alde system.

Heating fluid

Check the heating fluid levels in your system before you go. Your system should be topped up with Alde-approved glycol fluid – any of the following products are suitable for:

  1. Alde Premium G12 EVO Antifreeze/G12 ++
  2. Fuchs Maintain Fricofin DP and Fricofin V
  3. Comma Xstream G40 and GG40
  4. Volkswagen Group G12++ and G13

Night/Day Mode

You can programme your Night/Day mode settings at any time, but it helps to set them before you leave so you can enjoy perfectly programmed heating and cooling throughout your journey. You can find our guide to programming your Night/Day mode settings here: [link to Summer guide].

Gas and central heating checks

You should check your gas and central heating systems prior to your journey for safety reasons as well as comfort. We’ve prepared some detailed steps on how to carry out these checks here: Spring guide

Make sure to carry out these pre-journey checks so that you can sit back and enjoy the beauty of your travels and the comfort of your vehicle as the Alde heating system keeps you warm and cosy from start to finish.

If you’d like further information about Alde heating systems, get in touch with us today.

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